Marmorino Terrazzo (in powder)

Brand: Advanced Spirito Libero

Product Code:

Availability: In stock


Marmorino Terrazzo lime powder coating, selected aggregates, mixture of grits and coloured precious marbles, particular binding additives. Decorative wall finish with an ancient washed grit aspect with coloured marble, which creates a pleasant and vivid surface reminiscent of ancient time-worn wall finishes.


Marmorino Terrazzo is a lime base render with selected aggregates, a blend of coloured precious marbles, pebbles and particular binding additives.

Decorative wall finish with an ancient washed pebble aspect with coloured marble, which creates a pleasant and vivid surface, that reminds the ancient time-worn wall finishes.

It easy to prepare and to apply, it has an extremely good filling power and a natural resistance to moulds and bacteria  

Marmorino Terrazzo is suitable for finish coating for internal and external wall surfaces. It is perfectly stable over time and it maintains its unaltered breathability of the base with regard to the high permeability to water vapour.


Marmorino Terrazzo is sold in white base.


Technical Data Sheet

Surface preparation



Any Surface (except render)

Apply 1 coat of Undercoat Sealer before priming

Old plasterworks

Brushing, eventual power washing and a coat of CONSOLIDATING PRIMER.

Render/ Base coat render

Coat of PRIMUS NATURALE primer.

Medium density

Coat of PRIMUS NATURALE primer.


Coat of PRIMUS NATURALE primer.


Coat of PRIMUS NATURALE primer.


Coat of PRIMUS NATURALE primer.

Polished lime finishing

Accurate sanding and a coat of PRIMUS NATURALE primer.

Washable paints

Coat of PRIMUS NATURALE primer.

Non-mineral decorative finishings

Coat of PRIMUS NATURALE primer.

Plastic coating

A coat of oil based primer then a coat of PRIMUS NATURALEprimer.

 Note: Advanced Spirito Libero recomends that our entire range of lime based natural materials is used only by highly skilled or licensed tradespeople with extensive experience in this field. It is the responsibility of the applicator to understand the application method and the procedure involved ,in order to obtain a satisfactory outcome. Advanced Spirito Libero recomends that architects, builders and clients appoint only experienced applicators in the relevant lime-based materials to ensure they'll be able to deliver the same finish as per the sample shown.

As with any lime-based material this product may change the appearance over time due to the ageing process caused by weather conditions"
To slow down this process the use of siloxane impregnating sealer is recomended over time.

For exteriors please protect treated surfaces from raining during application and for the time required to allow product to fully harden (48h), fail to do so, some trace of efflorescence might appear and no warranty will be applied.

Ensure that a sufficient quantity of the same batch is available to complete the entire job or at least to complete whole sections that will not reveal differences in shade.

Advanced Spirito Libero provides no warranty expressed or implied against damage due to movement of the substrate structure.

Following the Australian Building Code we do not suggest the installation of this product inside the shower area.

Product mixing

Marmorino Terrazzo is sold in a powder form, and it has to be mixed with 25-30% of clean water (4.5/5.4 L per bucket).  

Blend until you obtain the full homogenization of the mixture.

In case of necessity or in case of high temperatures, it is recommended to wash the surface with water.


APPLICAtion detailed list

Workplace preparation: protect the floor, the skirting, windows and remember that alkaline products can blot some types of wood and aluminium.

Marmorino Terrazzo preparation and colouring: to colour small surfaces it is possible to prepare the product inside a bucket using a hand helix mixer. If you need to colour wider surfaces it is better to use a plaster cement mixer, in which you can put four or even more boxes at the same time. It is important to establish at the beginning the precise quantity of water you need for each box and try to maintain it constant till the end of the work. If you render two adjoining parts with different dilutions of the material, you probably obtain quite different finishings. The colouring has to be made during the mixing phase, adding the chosen colour directly to the mixture. Apply the first coat with a trowel and allow it to dry completely. When the first coat is completely dry, you can apply the second one. If it is too hot, it is possible to wet the wall with a brush, but it is important to wash it uniformly.

Apply the second coat as the first one, evenly. To work on quite wide walls is better to have more people and each person could work on 10-15 sq.m.

While a person (or even two) applies the product, another one could start to flatten the surface with a sponge float, which could be used with or without water.

When you finish the application and the plaster hardens, it is possible to begin to wash it.

It is important to wait until the material is hard enough to avoid to wash it away during the work phase. Use a big sponge cloth and clean water. The purpose is to remove the light coat of lime, which is normally on the surface, to uncover all the coloured marble pebble. After the first washing it is important to allow the surface to dry: it usually takes from 30 minutes to 3 hours, but on cold and humid day it takes even a day. Remember that for every 10 degrees of temperature the chemical processes kinetics is three times faster: it is possible to understand the big hardening difference that could exist between summer and winter seasons in the temperate climate areas.

The final washing has to be done by two or three people (on a wide wall), starting always from top corner. One person (or even two) should wash the surface using clean water buckets and cleaning always the sponge cloth against the border of an empty bucket (used just for this purpose) and dip the cloth in clean water before to wash the wall.


different applications and suggestions

If you work in internal places or you cannot use a sprayer, the washing of the wall could be done also using clean water buckets. To clean the big sponge you used during the final washing, it is possible to use the same tank you use to clean the tiles, or it is also possible to brush the sponge against the border of an empty bucket, which is used only to collect dirty water.

Maintenance of Marmorino Terrazzo;

It is a finishing, which becomes better over time and so it doesn’t need specific protection, but in the cities with lots of smog or very humid climate the walls, especially the ones facing north, could be protected: When dry apply 1 coats of EXTERNAL IMPREGNATING SEALER till saturation.



The ambient temperature must be between +10°C and +30°C, while the relative humidity must be less than 85% for at least a day. It is better to avoid this phase on windy days or when the sun is shining or when it is raining.



The product maintains its unaltered features for 12 months, if it is correctly preserved. Store it in a dry, close and covered places, away from humidity.



Avoid contacts with skin and eyes, and in case wash immediately the part with water. For further information, consult our safety sheet.



This product should be disposed of in accordance with existing laws. Empty paper sacks must be recycled.



 Ancient washed look with coloured marble pebbles.


18 kg. net paper sack


Application tools

Venetian Plaster Trowel – sponge cloth

Specific weight

1,30 ± 0,05 Kg/l

Theoretical yield

2,00 ÷ 3,00 Kg/m2 including 2 coats of fine-grained


Aggregate grading curve

0,05 ÷ 1,2 mm


Coating thickness

2,5 ÷ 3,0 mm including 2 coats


Touch dry

8 hours with an ambient temperature of 20°C

Deep dry

48 hours with an ambient temperature of 20°C

Stable carbonation

180 days


12 hours with an ambient temperature of 20°C

PH after 30 days

12,5 ± 0,2


Not- inflammable  - class A1

Permeability to water vapor

High 0,06m (Reference standard: UNI EN ISO 7783-2:2001)